The film will be a direct sequel to the original, continuing the story of the Deetz family and their ghostly encounters with the titular character. The film will explore the Deetz family’s struggles with grief and loss, as well as their attempts to navigate the complexities of life after death. The film will also delve into the themes of family, friendship, and the importance of embracing one’s individuality.
This statement, made in the context of the “Ghost Hunters” reboot, suggests that Davis believes the original cast members, Adam and Barbara, are not returning to the show because they are not “dead” in the way we typically understand death. Davis’s theory is based on the premise that ghosts don’t age and don’t die. This is a common belief among paranormal investigators, and it is often used to explain the presence of ghosts in the locations they investigate. The theory is further supported by the fact that the original “Ghost Hunters” cast members have not been seen or heard from since the show’s conclusion.
and that’s what makes it so special.”
This quote from Michael Keaton, who played the titular character in the 1988 cult classic, highlights the enduring appeal of Beetlejuice. The film’s success, he suggests, lies in its ability to recapture the magic of the original while simultaneously offering a fresh perspective. Keaton’s statement also underscores the importance of continuity in filmmaking. Maintaining a consistent tone, style, and thematic elements across sequels can be challenging, but it’s crucial for building a strong sense of identity and connection with the audience.