The project will see the construction of a new fishing platform, a dedicated parking area, and a public toilet facility. The project is expected to attract a significant number of anglers, boosting the local economy and creating jobs. The Ross Dam is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the Queensland. It is also a significant source of water for Townsville, providing drinking water and irrigation for the region. The decision to open the Ross Dam to recreational land-based fishing was made after extensive consultation with local anglers, community groups, and other stakeholders. This process involved gathering feedback on the potential benefits and risks of the project.
This reallocation of funds is expected to allow for the recreational use of the dam to begin in the year 2024. The council has also allocated $100,000 to the project, which will be used for the development of fishing platforms and other amenities. The council’s capital works plan is a long-term plan for infrastructure development and maintenance. It outlines the council’s priorities for spending on projects like roads, bridges, and public facilities.
The community is eager to experience this new fishing opportunity and the dam is a prime location for it. The dam is a popular tourist destination and a significant source of recreational activity. The dam is also a vital part of the local ecosystem, providing habitat for a variety of species.